Overview panel

  • Updated

Reorder box: Drag and drop the Screen_Shot_2020-01-30_at_11.20.17_AM.png icon to reorder the samples. All downstream analysis will maintain this order for visualization, unless reordered in the plot controls for the fish plot.

Colored circle: Each sample has an assigned color that is used to identify it in the Review Variants step. This color cannot be changed.

Sample name: Give the sample a biologically meaningful name. To edit the name, click the TI_Pencil_Icon.png icon.

File name: Name of the uploaded file. You cannot edit the file name.

Cells: Total cells found in the sample by the primary analysis pipeline.

Total Reads: Total reads from the sequencing run.

Reads/Cell: Average reads per cell. Only the reads that mapped to cells are used. Reads with unidentified cell barcodes are excluded from this calculation.

Reads/Amplicon/Cell: Average reads per amplicon per cell. Only the reads that mapped to cells are used. Reads with unidentified cell barcodes are excluded from this calculation.

Barcodes: Yes means that barcodes were included in the .loom file. No means they were not. Loom files generated by Tapestri DNA Pipeline prior to version 1.10 did not include barcodes.

X: Delete the sample from the analysis.

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