Create and manage Groups

  • Updated

Table of Contents

  1. Create a New Group
  2. Add New Users to Your Group
  3. Remove Members from Your Group
  4. Join a Group
  5. Accessing Groups on Tapestri Pipeline App

Create a New Group

If you are part of a core lab or distributed organization, you can create customer accounts and invite them to join. Email to request access to Groups. 

  1. Once you log into Tapestri Portal, click on your name in the upper-right corner. A drop-down menu will appear. 
  2. Click Groups. This will take you to the Groups page on your profile. Any previously created groups will be listed in the Groups table. 
  3. Click New Group.
    The new group creation dialog box will appear. Fill in the details in the input fields.
    • Name: Must be up to 50 characters consisting of letters, numbers, and special characters. The typical format is Institute/Company - Principal Investigator (example: UCSF - Adam Abate)
    • Description: Must be up to 500 characters consisting of letters, numbers, and special characters.
  4. Click Save. The newly created group will be listed in the Groups table.

Add New Users to Your Group

As a group admin, you can add members to your group by following the steps below.

  1. Go to the menu in the upper-right corner in Tapestri Portal.
  2. Click Groups.
  3. Click the Edit users icon under the Actions column.
  4. Click Add Member.
  5. Enter the email ids for all the users you want to add, separated by either a comma (,) or semicolon (;), and select the role. You can add only one user type at a time.
    Note: You must enter either a comma (,) or semicolon (;) after each email, even if there is only one address. The email address will turn blue.
  6. Click Send Invite. This will send an email invite to those email addresses to join the group.

The email address will be added to the group and can be viewed by clicking the Invited tab. The email address will remain under the Invited tab with Status ‘pending’ until the user accepts the invitation to join the group. Then, that member will be listed under the Members tab. To uninvite a group member, click the trash can icon under Actions for that member. trash_can_icon.png

Remove Members from Your Group

At any point you would like to remove a member from the pipeline group, follow these steps.

  1. Go to the menu in the upper-right corner in Tapestri Portal.
  2. Click Groups.
  3. Click the Edit users icon under the Actions column. 
  4. Click the trash can icon next to the user. Remember, you cannot delete the last admin of a group.

Join a Group

When added to a group, you will receive an email notification from Mission Bio. 

  1. To join a group, click the Accept Invitation button. This will take you to the Tapestri Portal login page if you are not logged in already.
  2. Log in to Tapestri Portal, and you will see the pending group notifications at the top. Click here.
    The Portal Groups page will load.
  3. Click Accept Invitation

Anytime you want to navigate back to Tapestri Portal, click the Mission Bio icon in the upper-left corner. 

Accessing Groups on Tapestri Pipeline App

Once a group has been created, the group will be visible to all users who accept an invitation to join the group.

To view the group on the Tapestri Pipeline app, launch Pipeline. You will be redirected to the Groups page.

Select the group of interest to proceed. On the Tapestri Pipeline app, you can view and access all the runs created by the members within the group. You will also have access to the input and output data belonging to the members of that group.

Note 1: If you use the same browser for subsequent logins and the browser has cache enabled, you will be directed to the Tapestri Pipeline app associated with the group previously selected. If you want to access runs that are part of a different group you are a member of, please click the Tapestri Pipeline icon in the header or click the Home link on the profile drop-down menu.

Note 2: If you are not part of any group, the Launch button for Tapestri Pipeline will be disabled.

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