Panel details page

  • Updated

Click on a catalog panel to open the Catalog Panel Details page. The details are presented in two sections. The top section displays the panel details, and the bottom section displays the target details. 


Top Section – Panel Details

The top section of the panel details page displays the panel-level information:

  • Panel Name: The name of the panel.
  • Description: A description of the panel.
  • Coverage (DNA only): The percentage of the target base pairs covered by the insert regions. It is the in-silico R1R2 coverage value of the panel calculated using 150 bp as the read length for paired-end sequencing.
  • # Targets (DNA only): The number of targets in the panel. Details about these targets display on the bottom of the page. Each target is a separate line in the list.
  • Target Size (DNA only): The target size is the total number of DNA base pairs covered by all the targets in the panel.
  • Panel Size (DNA only): The panel size is the total number of DNA base pairs covered by all the inserts in the panel.
  • Amplicon Length Range (DNA only): The amplicon length range is preset to 175 – 275 bp.
  • # Amplicons (DNA only): The sum of all the amplicons generated to create the best possible coverage of all the targets.
  • # Antibodies (Protein only): The number of antibodies in the protein catalog panel.
  • Validated: True for panels that have been validated in a lab. False for panels that have not been experimentally validated.
  • Assay Type: Assay type DNA or Protein.
  • Genome: Tapestri Designer provides catalog human genome hg19 (GRCh37), hg38 (GRCh38) and mouse genome mm10 (GRCm38). 
  • Warning (DNA only): Some panels contain amplicons that are positioned in high GC regions. In this case, a warning displays at the top of the page, and the impacted targets display a yellow triangle to the left of the target ID.
  • More Actions: Click More Actions to access the following:
    • Download Results: Click the Download Results button to download a .zip file that contains the output files exported from Tapestri Designer.
    • Download Datasheet (DNA only): Click the Download Datasheet button to download a .pdf file that contains detailed information about the panel, including the panel specifications and targets. This is only available for the following catalog panels – Tumor Hotspot, Myeloid, Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia, Acute Myeloid Leukemia, Chronic Myeloid Leukemia, Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma, T-Cell Lymphoma, Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, Myelodysplastic Syndromes, Myeloproliferative Neoplasms, Classic Hodgkin's Lymphoma, Multiple Myeloma, Mantle Cell Lymphoma, and Follicular Lymphoma.
      For more information on these files, refer to this section.
    • Copy Targets (DNA only): Click the Copy Targets button to create a new custom panel based on the current panel. Only the targets are copied, not the amplicons.
      For more information about creating custom panels, refer to Create a custom panel.
  • Request Quote: Click Request Quote to send a message to Mission Bio. Someone from our team will contact you soon. Sales are completed offline.

Bottom Section – Target Details DNA

The bottom section of the Panel Details page shows the details of the targets.

  • Search: Type in a target name or ID to quickly locate that target.
  • Sort: Sort the targets by any of the columns, except UCSC Link, in ascending or descending order by clicking the header name.

Each target is listed with the following information:

  • Type: The options are:
    • Gene: Official HGNC gene name
    • Region: Chromosome coordinates from the hg19 genome assembly
    • dbSNP: dbSNP ID
    • HGVS: HGVS nomenclature supported by VarSome
  • Target ID: The ID is based on the target type.
  • Target Name: This optional field is a text identifier for the target to make it understandable to the user. Each name should be a unique identifier within a panel.
  • # Amplicons: The number of amplicons for the target.
  • % Coverage: The percentage of the target base pairs covered by the insert region. It is the in-silico R1R2 coverage value calculated using 150 bp as the read length for paired-end sequencing.
  • UCSC Link: Clicking the UCSC link displays the target in the UCSC Genome Browser. For more information, refer to Visualizing amplicons.

Bottom Section – Target Details Protein

The bottom section of the Panel Details page shows the details of the targets.

  • Search: Type in a protein name, clone name, clone description, or barcode sequence to quickly locate the protein.
  • Sort: Sort the targets by any of the columns in ascending or descending order by clicking the header name.

Each target is listed with the following information:

  • Protein Name: Antibody name.
  • Clone Name: Clone name.
  • Clone Description: Short description for the protein antibodies.
  • Barcode Sequence: 15 bp oligo sequence to identify the antibodies.
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