Why is my custom panel target invalid?

  • Updated

Several reasons exist for invalid targets:

Invalid ID: The format of the ID is invalid. Change the ID to match the required format.

Duplicate Target: Duplicate targets are not allowed. Delete the target.

Invalid Region Target: Region targets are validated to check the chromosome length constraint. Regions with either start or stop values greater than the chromosome length are marked invalid.

Incorrect Target ID Format: If the target ID contains an additional space, it is marked invalid. For example, Chr13: 28674559-28674790 is invalid.

Incorrect Target ID or Name: Target IDs and names do not support commas. If added, they are removed from the targets before creating the panel.

Masked Regions: If the target has many masked regions (Ns in reference fasta for the target), the panel will fail. Avoid adding region targets with these.

Wrong Coordinates: All coordinates must be entered for one of these genome assemblies in one-based format for the hg (GRCh37), hg38 (GRCh38) or mm10 (GRCm38) genomes.

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