What are the Protein panel specifications and requirements?

  • Updated

Tapestri Pipeline requires a protein panel file to create a DNA + Protein run. In addition to the TotalSeq™-D Heme Oncology Cocktail catalog protein panel file that Tapestri Pipeline provides, you can upload your custom protein panel and create runs.

Protein Panel Specifications

The supported file format for protein panels is a UTF-8 encoded comma-separated values CSV file. The EU semicolon separator (“;”) and any other file encoding will not work.

The panel file must contain the 3 mandatory column headers followed by the respective data:

  1. ID
  2. Name
  3. Sequence

For example,

ID Name Sequence
0034 anti-human CD3 CD3 CTCATTGTAACTCCT


Download the sample file template.

If the protein panel file has been downloaded from BioLegend, please ensure to modify the column headers by following the instructions below to match with the Tapestri Pipeline file requirements and then proceed to upload the panel to Tapestri Pipeline to create DNA + Protein runs.

  1. From your BioLegend XLS file, copy the columns Specificity, Barcode sequence, and Gene Name to a new Excel file.
  2. Rename the column headers as follows:
    1. Rename "Specificity" to "ID".
    2. Rename "Gene Name" to "Name". 
    3. Rename "Barcode sequence" to "Sequence".
  3. Save the file as CSV (comma-separated values) with text encoding as UTF-8.

You can now upload this CSV file to Tapestri Pipeline for further processing.

Note: If you ordered custom AOCs from BioLegend, you will have access to their datasheets. Collect the information from those datasheets and create a custom protein panel CSV file by following the specifications mentioned above.

Demultiplexing Protein Panel Specifications

In addition to the data above the demultiplexing protein panel contains one additional column, Sample_ID. This Sample_ID specifies the sample name which is positive for the protein or shows expression for the specific hashing antibody.

For example,

ID Name Sequence Sample_ID
Hashtag-1 Hashtag-1 GTCAACTCTTTAGCG Sample_1
Hashtag-2 Hashtag-2 TGATGGCCTATTGGG Sample_2
Hashtag-3 Hashtag-3 TTCCGCCTCTCTTTG Sample_3

The Sample_ID should be at least 3 characters and contain only alphanumeric characters, dash (-), and underscore (_).

Note: For DNA+Protein Antibody Hashing runs with both regular antibodies as well as hashing antibodies the Demultiplexing Protein panel should specify the regular antibodies and the hashing antibodies together in a single CSV file. This CSV file should be a four-column file as seen above with ID, Name and Sequence for regular antibodies and all four columns should be defined for hashing antibodies.

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