Any custom panel created on Designer will run the in-silico post design quality control(QC) checks as part of panel design workflow. No additional user input is required to run these checks.
Once the panel completes the QC results can be seen on the custom panel details page. Follow the process given below to remove certain amplicons from a panel based on QC warnings.
Review QC warnings for Amplicons
- Open a new custom panel, a pop-up may be seen based on the panel status:
- QC Completed with no warnings - The amplicons are processed and no QC issues are found and no additional pop-up is seen.
- QC Completed with warnings - The amplicons are processed and one or more amplicons have QC issues/warnings. For such panels a message is seen when the panel is opened: To go to the amplicon tab to review the warnings for each amplicon click Review else click Close to go Targets tab.
NOTE: To not view this message for a panel, check the box “Do not show this message again”.
- QC Failed - There can be some cases where the QC checks fail to complete. In such cases, try resubmitting the panel and if it fails again then reach out to
- The QC status for each panel is available in the panel header. There are three possible values - Not Available, Complete, Failed.
- To review the amplicons click on the Amplicons tab in the Details table.
- To view all amplicons with warnings click the “Show all Amplicons with Warnings” button.
- The amplicons can be sorted based on the # QC warnings to list the ones with most warnings on top.
- Review each amplicon with a warning. More details on each of the warnings can be seen here. In case the QC warnings are not clear or more details are required to make a decision, please reach out to
- To delete one or more amplicons select the checkbox against it.
- Click Delete and Save to delete the selected amplicons and create a new panel with the remaining amplicons.
- Add the panel name, to review the amplicons being deleted click the Deleted Amplicons tab on the pop-up.
- Click Save.
- The new panel is added to the dashboard and the panel is recreated by deleting the selected amplicons. No new amplicons are generated in the process.
- An email is sent once the panel is complete.
- To review the QC warnings for the new panel, click the panel name in the dashboard to see the panel details.