The dashboard has two tabs. The Custom Panels tab lists each custom panel. The Custom Genomes tab lists each custom genome uploaded to your account.
Custom Panels
The dashboard lists the following information for each custom panel.
- Panel Name: The panel name has a maximum length of 100 characters and can contain spaces, numbers, and symbols. Clicking on a panel name that is in Draft mode opens the panel creation workflow. Clicking on a panel name that is in In Progress, Ready, or Failed opens the Panel Details page, which displays all the information about it.
- ID: The panel ID is a unique number and automatically generated. This number cannot be changed.
- Genome: The genome name used to create the custom panel. Tapestri Designer provides catalog human genome hg19 (GRCh37), hg38 (GRCh38) and mouse genome mm10 (GRCm38). Additionally, you may upload your own by following these steps. All coordinates in the panel should belong to the selected genome assembly.
- # Targets: The total number of targets in the panel.
- # Amplicons: The number of amplicons is displayed for panels that have a status of Ready. It is calculated when you submit the panel for processing.
- % Coverage: The coverage percentage is displayed for panels with a status of Ready. It is calculated when you submit the panel for processing. It is the percentage of the target base pairs covered by the insert regions. It is the in-silico R1R2 coverage value of the panel calculated using 150 bp as the read length for paired-end sequencing.
- Last Updated: The date of the last edit to the panel.
- Created By: The email address of the owner who created the panel.
Status: The current status of the panel.
- Preprocessing: The targets in the panel are being resolved to chromosomal regions.
- Draft: The panel has not been submitted for processing. The panel can be edited to add, edit, and delete targets.
- In Progress: The panel was submitted for processing, and Mission Bio is working on generating the amplicons and coverage percentage. The panel can no longer be edited. You will receive an email when processing is complete.
- Ready: The process is complete. The amplicons were generated, and the coverage calculated. The panel can be viewed, copied, and shared but not edited. You can also Download Results. These options are available by clicking on the three vertical dots next to the Panel Name.
Failed: No amplicons were generated, so the panel is not valid.
Search: To search for specific panels, type the criteria into the search box. You can search for:
- Panel Name
- ID
- Genome
- # Targets
- # Amplicons
- % Coverage
- Status
- Refresh Icon: Click the Refresh icon to update the status of custom panels.
- Sort: Sort the panels by any of the columns in ascending or descending order by clicking the header name.
Note: If a panel has been ordered or shared, it cannot be deleted.
Custom Genomes
To access information on the catalog genomes and custom genomes you uploaded, click the Custom Genomes tab.
The dashboard lists the following information for each genome:
- File Name: The file name of the genome .fasta file provided at the time of upload.
- BED File Name: The polymorphism .bed file name provided at the time of upload.
- Genome Name: The genome name provided at the time of upload.
- Status: The status of the file upload.
- Uploaded Date: The date of the file upload.
- Genome Size: The size of the genome post processing.
- Uploaded By: The email account used to upload the file.
- Common Name: The common name provided at the time of upload.
- Scientific Name: The scientific name provided at the time of upload.
- Assembly Version: The assembly version provided at the time of upload.
- # Contigs: The total number of contigs provided at the time of upload.
Search: To search for specific files, type the criteria into the search box. You can search for:
- File Name
- BED File Name
- Genome Name
- Status
- Uploaded By
- Common Name
- Scientific Name
- Assembly Version
- Contigs
- Refresh Icon: Click the Refresh icon to update the status of the custom genome uploads.
- Sort: Sort the genomes by any of the columns in ascending or descending order by clicking the header name.