[panel-id]-qc-summary.csv is a 15-column CSV file listing the amplicon ID, # of QC warnings, QC Warnings, Amplicon GC(%), High GC Amplicons, Primer Homodimers, Primer Heterodimers, Insert-Genome Alignments, Forward-Primer Genome Alignments, Reverse-Primer Genome Alignments, Forward-Primer Amplicons Alignments, Reverse-Primer Genome Alignments, Off-target Amplification, # of Off-target Amplifications and Mispriming checks.
It is only seen for custom panels and shows the summary of QC checks as seen in the Amplicons table in the Panel details page. Details of all the QC checks mentioned here are available in this article.
Off-target amplification is defined as the product formed by a pair of primers that does not align to coordinates as defined in the design summary file. It is not called as a warning as the amplification may not be impacted due to formation of an off-target product. If the off-target count is too high(>5) then that region should be inspected to ensure that the region does not have multiple homologous sequences in the genome and would not impact amplification.